“I believe in the concept of paying it forward. Without the support and kindness of others, I would not have survived the car accident, relearned to walk, or won Paralympic Gold. It’s a privilege to give back.” - Meg Fisher


Meg’s Philanthropy Projects


Range of Motion Project


In October, 2020, Meg will join this fundraising event along with a team to climb Cotopaxi in Ecuador. The climb is made possible through the Range of Motion Project (ROMP) - a non-profit organization that helps those living in poverty or without medical access to get quality prosthetic care. The climb is to help raise awareness for prosthetic needs.

Learn more about this amazing program:

If you are able, please consider donating to this fundraiser!

Prosthetic Research

Meg is involved the several research projects to test and improve prosthetic technology. They include:

  • Metabolic Demand and Performance Measurement for Prosthesis Development – University of Colorado

  • Prosthetic Ankle Usability Study – Seattle Veterans Administration (VA)

  • Prosthetic Development Studies – University of Washington – Sander’s Research Lab Prosthetic Science and Technology